Author name: Wuraola Taiwo

Intel Wrap – June

Vulnerabilities in IoT devices have increased by 136% from last year, with 33% of IoT devices analyzed in 2024 found to be vulnerable, up from 14% in 2023. Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) devices also pose significant risks, with 5% containing vulnerabilities, particularly in medical information systems, electrocardiographs, and medication dispensing systems.

Intel Wrap – June Read More »

New Stealer Tool Leaked

The stealer, which is advertised as a fully undetected Discord, Browser, Robox Stealer, and Cookie Password Stolen Stealer, offers a wide range of services including extracting passwords, cookie, autofills, and session tokens from popular platforms including TikTok, Instagram, Steam,and  Discord, as well as browsers lile Chrome, Brave, Opera, OperaGX, OperaNeon, and Yandex.

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Cyber Violence for Hire: The Hidden Peril for African Youth

Imagine a scenario where an enraged sim swapper is seeking revenge against a rival swapper, or perhaps a victim of sim swap fraud is consumed by a desire for retribution. In their quest for vengeance, they may turn to the dark corners of the internet, where individuals advertise “IRL jobs” as a means to settle scores. These jobs could involve orchestrating a physical assault, causing property damage, or even more sinister acts.

Cyber Violence for Hire: The Hidden Peril for African Youth Read More »

Invest in Women, and their Privacy Too!

The single most important thing they can do at first is listen, empathize and fight bias or inequity against women when they see it. They should speak up and challenge it at work, at events or parties, or at church, or even from their friends. Everywhere. They should be uncomfortable seeing gender inequity at every single point. I am also a big believer in reparations so opening their purses and pockets towards gender equity initiatives (women already do this unprovoked).

Invest in Women, and their Privacy Too! Read More »

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